1. What is Russian Roulette

Russian Roulette utilizes a virtual revolver and provably fair algorithms to ensure a safe and exciting experience. Players take turns virtually pulling the trigger on a revolver with a single bullet chambered at random.

2. Is Russian Roulette safe to play?

Yes, Russian Roulette prioritizes security. User wallet private keys are never stored within the game's database and are encrypted using AES-256, a robust industry-standard encryption method. Additionally, provably fair algorithms guarantee transparency and randomness in the game's outcome.

3. Is there a minimum age requirement to play?

Yes, Russian Roulette is strictly for users 18 years of age and older. Please gamble responsibly.

4. Do I need BULLET tokens to play?

BULLET tokens are your key to participating in Russian Roulette. You'll need them to cover the bet and fees for each game. The minimum bid amount can vary depending on the amount set by the host.

5. How do I get BULLET tokens to play?

There are several ways to acquire BULLET tokens: Purchase them on a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Raydium or Serum using SOL tokens. Win them by emerging victorious in a game of Russian Roulette.

6. How much do I get if I win or lose a game?

If you win a game of Russian Roulette, you win big! The entire pot of BULLET tokens lost by the eliminated player will be shared among all players who survive the round.

This pot can grow significantly depending on the number of players and the minimum bid amount.

Check winning conditions for more.

7. How do I make money with Russian Rouletter refferal program?

To benefit from this, simply share your unique referral link (which you would find within the bot interface on telegram) with friends and earn 5% of the 10% fees on their games!

Learn more about referrals here

Last updated